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Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Few Notes Before We Start...

Hi all!

Here are a few notes before we start identifying our first tree!

1. When out identifying, it's a good idea to bring a few tools with you. One of the most important is a field guide.

You can get these at any bookstore or library. Be sure to get something specific, like "A Guide to Eastern Trees of the U.S." vs. "A Guide to Trees of the World" (that'd be a HUGE book).

The other most important tool is none other than...your brain! :)

I know Envirothon competitions don't allow these, but hand lenses and pocket knives are quite useful in identifying trees, especially if you've narrowed down the options to two or three species! A hand lens is just like a magnifying glass, and it's important in finding very small identifiers like pubescence (fine hairs) on a leaf or twig. A pocket knife can be used to cut into parts of the tree, like the bark or twigs. Even if competition doesn't allow these, I'd recommend using them if you are especially curious about trees. I will be using a hand lens and a pocket knife from time to time.

2. I will be posting pictures that I've taken for the trees we're looking at. So, for most of the time, the pictures are mine. If it isn't, I'll give a photo credit for it. Also, I don't own a fancy camera, so I apologize in advance for the quality of the pictures. They won't be beautiful, but I hope that you find them helpful. I will also do my best to cite sources that I've used for each tree, so that you can find these and use them if you'd like.

3. We'll be jumping right into identifying tree species, so I will do my best to define any unfamiliar terminology as we go. If you want a primer to terminology (such as pinnate vs. palmate), any good field guide will have an introduction with these sorts of things in them. "Common Trees of Virginia" also has this.

4. Make sure you have permission (or don't need it) if you need to take off leaves, twigs, flowers, etc. off of a tree.

Our first tree is coming up soon! I will probably post it up tomorrow or Monday at the latest.

EDIT: Ok, it's Monday, and the tree isn't up yet. Please be patient, it'll be up by the end of this week. (3:41 PM, 11/7/11)


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